Simple, scalable do-it-yourself marketing course for small businesses

Lessons, Trainings, Templates & Guides

Learn my marketing framework that takes all the guesswork out of your marketing strategy

DIY Marketing Fast Track is a combination of monthly challenges, group coaching, and self-paced training to help you plan and implement a full marketing strategy on your own (or with your team!) saving you thousands of dolllars and giving you back hours of your precious time.

Social Media Success in 20 Minutes a Day

Write an entire month of content in just a few hours with this monthly challenge.


  • Clarify your target audience
  • Determine platforms
  • Create brand board + templates
  • Review current marketing
  • Set goals + Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Simplify with Systems

  • Batch content (social)
  • Set up social scheduling
  • Set up automation/workflows
  • Set up analytics template
  • Create a process guide for social media, blogging, email
  • Implement content

Blog Templating 101

Maintain a flow of blogs to bring new people to your site & convert them to customers — even if you aren’t a writer!


  • Research keywords
  • Create content cal
  • Determine schedule


  • Review content performance
  • Review system performance
  • Tweak your systems
  • Repeat content creation and scheduling based on your content calendar and outline

Self Guided Learning & So Much More

Marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. As a small business, you’re used to bootstrapping budgets, pinching pennies, and digging into new areas of your business, rolling up your sleeves, and doing it yourself. With DIY Marketing Fast Track, you can enjoy a robust marketing and social media schedule without paying an expensive consultant or spending hours figuring out the nuances on your own. DIY Marketing Fast Track is like a marketing professional in your back pocket for one low monthly subscription!

Group Coaching

Members have exclusive access to me! And why does that matter? I have more than 20 years of experience in marketing and have practically perfected DIY marketing for small businesses and startups. Get advice, feedback, and tips 24/7, as long as you’re a member. 

Monthly Challenges & Training

Every month, members will have access to live webinars with marketing and business professionals, as well as bingeable on-demand training. With monthly social media and blogging challenges, members will be inspired by their peers and batch content effortlessly month after month.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account